Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: London Eye

Eye to eye with a 350-year old cow | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

What may be the earliest surviving objects seen by microscope – specimens prepared and viewed by the early Dutch naturalist Antoni van Leeuwenhoek – have been reunited with one of his original microscopes for a state of the art photoshoot. This event allowed science historians to recapture the ‚look‘ of seventeenth century science, recording the moment in digital films and with stunning high-resolution colour photographs for the first time.
to eye with a 350-year old cow Eye to eye with a

Eye to eye with a 350-year old cow | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

What may be the earliest surviving objects seen by microscope – specimens prepared and viewed by the early Dutch naturalist Antoni van Leeuwenhoek – have been reunited with one of his original microscopes for a state of the art photoshoot. This event allowed science historians to recapture the ‚look‘ of seventeenth century science, recording the moment in digital films and with stunning high-resolution colour photographs for the first time.
to eye with a 350-year old cow Eye to eye with a

Das Gehirn besitzt zwei Systeme, um sich in andere hineinzuversetzen | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Das Gehirn scheint zwei verschiedene Strukturen zu besitzen, durch die wir uns in andere hineinversetzen können. Diese reifen zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten heran, sodass erst Vierjährige die Denkweise eines anderen nachvollziehen können – und nicht, wie bislang angenommen, bereits Einjährige.
– und Neurowissenschaften, dem University College London

A cat-and-mouse game: The brain has two systems for thinking about others’ thoughts | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The brain seems to have two different systems through which we can put ourselves into the shoes of someone else. These two systems mature at different times such that only four-year-olds can understand what another person is thinking, and not, as some have assumed, one-year-olds. These are the findings from a new study in the journal PNAS.
Cognitive and Brain Sciences, University College London

Migrants in Frankfurt – Networking multicultural diversity | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

For Steven Vertovec, Director at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen, basic research need not necessarily be confined to the ivory tower. His Department of Social Diversity was responsible for contributing hard facts and suggestions for the city of Frankfurt’s newly drafted integration and diversity plan.
diverse as those, for example, of the population of London

Single-celled organisms shed light on neurobiology | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The discovery of a visual pigment in the cell membrane of an archaebacterium in the early 1970s is owed solely to a researcher’s curiosity. For three years, the scientific community wouldn’t believe Dieter Oesterhelt. Forty years after his pioneering work at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Martinsried, bacteriorhodopsin and channelrhodopsin, which stems from a single-celled green alga, are gaining ground as new tools in neurobiology.
had worked on frog ret-inas with Maurice Wilkins in London